Imagine my suprise when one of my students informed me that my website was being blocked by the Art Institute's servers!
It took me a minute to figure out why that would be... You see, in the description for my blog I list video games as a topic of discussion and that caused the filter to block the site.
So, in short, it was an honest mistake. The filters mis-identified my site as a video game news site.
I've asked that the site be taken off of the blocked list so that my students can continue to access my schedule and syllabi while at AIP.
This little incident aside I think that blocking social networking sites and media download sites at the school is actually kind of a good thing. Remember folks we're not here to entertain ourselves or chat with friends. The idea behind this whole process is to eliminate the massive drain that those sites create on our servers.
Remember that these are the same servers that financial aid, accounting and advising rely on to get you financial aid and schedule your classes.
Do you really want them to not be able to send out your documentation because everyone on the seventh floor just logged onto myspace?
Yes I know that some sites have been blocked that really shouldn't be... like gamasutra... But we're on it. And we'll get the whole thing straightened out eventually.
So please be patient and contain your indignation. We really are trying to serve you better!