The email button in my navigation section works again. Sorry it was broken for so long.
A lot has been happening lately that wouldn't be of any interest to you dear reader but it has kept me occupied and unable to update.
Before you ask, yes I'm still working on my novel and no you can't see it yet. There'll be plenty of time for you to love/hate my work when it's done gestating. Promise.
I have some recommendations for ya...
The new season of HBO's original series
The Wire started tonight. If you're not watching it you really are missing out on one of the greatest television shows ever. Seriously. If you don't believe me (and why should you? I'm not a T.V. critic for Pete's sake...) you can read a review
And as long as we're spoiling our brains with television don't forget that the new season of
Battlestar Galactica starts in October! Sci-Fi is building up the fanboy fervor by posting webisodes that bridge the gap between the shocker ending of season 2 and the much anticipated season 3. Just skip the previews at the end of each webisode. Major season 3 spoilers there.
Feel free to mock me now as I descend into internet blogger cliche and lament the loss of Steve Irwin. I've been a huge fan of his show since it first started airing back in my Take 2 days.
I have fond memories of sitting around with the Iron and Blood crew laughing our a$$es off at his crazy antics while at the same time affording him a deep level of respect for the sheer cajones he displayed every time he tackled a wild boar or snuggled right up to an
Australian Brown Snake. (One of the deadliest in the world for those of you who didn't watch his show... Kinda makes that time you got really drunk and tried bungie jumping kind of pale by comparison doesn't it?)
Steve was a throwback to an earlier age of man. An age that I fear is now lost forever. I wish I had half the courage, a quarter of the grit...
Ah well. Rest in peace mate. You've earned it.