Here's a quick little model sheet I whipped up to use as an example for my 2D animation classes.
Later tonight I'm going to lay some simple shapes over the drawing to demonstrate how spheres are used to generate 3 dimensionally accurate cartoon characters.
Huh? What does that mean?
Allow me to explain in detail...
Everyone has a hard time creating accurate model sheets.
It's tough to look at a cartoon character, which is essentially a collection of lines and basic colors, and make out the underlying 3 dimensional forms that those lines are sitting on top of.
Most of my students have a hard time understanding why it's even necessary to learn how to render accurately on paper when the end product will be generated using computer software.
The reason, of course, is because the model sheet serves as a blueprint from which the 3D model is constructed.
If I had my way, I'd have my students attempt to sculpt their characters using clay first... Even before they attempt to create model sheets. That way the sculpture could serve as reference for the drawings which in turn would serve as reference for the 3D model.
But everyone is eager to skip the whole drawing part. To me, that's like passing up a steak dinner in favor of a protein shake. Sure you can do it... But you're missing out on the flavor and texture of the meat for Pete's sake!
I'm using 3DS MAX 8 now. It's got some nice new features. Pelt mapping is fantastic. I'll post an example of what it is and how it works soon. But I am a little bit disappointed overall...
This version of MAX feels more like a point release of MAX 7.
Oh well, now that Autodesk has purchased Alias, I'm hoping that the next version will be a total re-write that incorporates the best features of 3DS MAX and Maya.
I've got more to tell you... But I'm late for a meeting.