More anatomy...

Human anatomy is a mighty difficult thing to render accurately. It's even tougher when it's female anatomy.
That's why I use tons of reference when I sketch the female form. I always get the proportions wrong if I don't. The shorter torso, the longer legs and the angle of the hips are always sure to confound me.
If I'm not carefull the sketch can end up looking like a man in drag. Laugh if you want but I see it all the time with artwork that actually makes publication.
The sketch itself is of no one in particular. The reference for the pose and structure was a great photo of Gwen Stefani from this months Esquire insert. I'm not a fan of her music really... I'm more of a Sheryl Crow kinda guy.
I'm betting that someone over at plasticmarlin will see fit to censor this image as well...
I'm voting for a halter top and some jogging shorts. Maybe a peasant blouse and some capris?