Monday, December 12, 2005
Starting to feel human again...
Aside from having almost no voice I'm pretty much back to normal.

I actually spent almost a full week away from my main computer and my artwork. And I never realized before exactly how much time I spend working until I couldn't.

You'd think I'd have more finished work to show for it... But for me it's all about the process. Once I've figured out how to accomplish something and I've demonstrated to myself that I've got it down I'd rather move on to the next fresh challenge. (That loader still isn't textured now is it?)

Of course that doesn't apply to the work I do for clients and various other third parties... Just my own personal projects. I don't feel too bad though because apparently DaVinci had the same problem.

The image in this post is a small example of what I'm going to be demonstrating in my low poly character modeling workshop next quarter. The workshop is currently scheduled to take place Monday afternoons from 12:45 to 4:45 p.m. starting week 3 and running through week 6.

The workshop will demonstrate how to build a low detail humanoid character for a video game or simulation. Think Grand Theft Auto level of detail... I'm concerned with teaching everyone who attends the core modeling skills they need to find gainful employment as a novice modeler. So we won't be modeling details like eyes, ear and nose interiors, individual fingers and toes, etc.

Maybe in some future workshop we'll get into all that fun stuff.

Prior experience with 3DS Max isn't really required to enjoy the workshop and get something out of it. Just show up, watch me work and take from it what you can.

It should be fun. And if it's well attended and the interest is there I plan on following it up with a low poly character texture mapping workshop the quarter after next.

And so on, until we've covered every aspect of character creation including rigging and animation.

It'll be just like attending a college where you learn how to make video games...


A digital artist's online journal. Topics discussed: Art, Entertainment, Technology, Politics and Pop Culture

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